Written by: Officer Jermaine Galloway
March 2024
The recent resurgence of vape devices resembling actual writing pens has caught my attention, and I had to spotlight this trend in my newsletter. While it's worth noting that vape pens with a pen-like appearance are not entirely new – I encountered my first one about a decade ago in Houston, Texas – their presence has been intermittent over the years. However, lately, I've noticed them reappearing in many stores, some priced as low as $20. These pens come in various brands and designs, all maintaining the dual function of writing and dispensing vape oils. Below, I've included an image of one such pen, lacking the traditional cap around the cartridge but still unmistakably a vape "pen." Additionally, I'm beginning to discover discreet vapes designed to conceal a range of cartridges, including those for cannabis, delta-8, or nicotine. These devices allow users to insert the cartridge directly into the vape, resembling a disposable vape pod.